Our Profile

Company: Singapore Polytechnic
Department: DRFSM/2B/21
Group Name: Bambina
Contact: bambina.promgt@gmail.com

Leader: Ellin Wong
Budgeter: Kok See Mun
Researcher: Cecilia Ng
Writer: Fanny Soon

Our Motto

To provide a comfort and fine dining place with delicacy to our consumers

Our Objectives

To build a 3 level building with first level selling local delights. Second level as a fast food center. Third level consisting of 5 restaurants catering authentic Chinese, Malay, Indian, Japanese and Italian food.


Yap CH
Dick 5

Thursday, May 7, 2009

This is the plan view of the building (1st storey)

This is the plan view of the building (2nd storey)

This is the plan view of the building (3rd storey)

Bambina Promgt Last Update At 5:46 AM


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April 2009
May 2009


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