Our Profile

Company: Singapore Polytechnic
Department: DRFSM/2B/21
Group Name: Bambina
Contact: bambina.promgt@gmail.com

Leader: Ellin Wong
Budgeter: Kok See Mun
Researcher: Cecilia Ng
Writer: Fanny Soon

Our Motto

To provide a comfort and fine dining place with delicacy to our consumers

Our Objectives

To build a 3 level building with first level selling local delights. Second level as a fast food center. Third level consisting of 5 restaurants catering authentic Chinese, Malay, Indian, Japanese and Italian food.


Yap CH
Dick 5

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Our Food Elicious Building will consist all kind of restaurants, and it will be a 3 level building with escalators, lifts and stairs for emergency escape.

For the first level, we have:

(1) Food Republic

(2) Banquet (Halal Food)

For the second level, we have 6 fast food restaurants and they are:

(1)Panda Express

(2) Carl's Junior

(3) Long John Silver

(4) MacDonald

(5) KFC

(6) Subway

For the third level, we have 5 restaurants and they are:

(1) Chinese Restaurant

(2) Muslim Restaurant

(3) Indian Restaurant

(4) Japanese Restaurant

(5) Italian Restaurant

Bambina Promgt Last Update At 12:42 AM


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